Welcome to my blog, which will dull the sharpest of minds, weary the most patient of readers, frustrate the calm, annoy the virtuous, never once leave the backcountry and, if all goes well, before long recede into a fog of nothingness where it’ll rot away like a body left too long in the morgue.

If you want to dig into the archives and don’t know where to start, you can try one of these posts:

1. Against LLM Reductionism
24 min read
2. The Prospect of an AI Winter
19 min read
3. How Bad Is QWERTY, Really? A Review of the Literature, such as It Is
18 min read
4. The Devastating Power and Heartbreaking Pain of Truly Changing Minds
18 min read
5. Can a Vegan Diet Be Healthy? A Literature Review
15 min read
6. Doubts about Track Record Arguments for Utilitarianism
12 min read
7. Uncommon Sensations: A Review of The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa
12 min read
8. The Atemporal Franz Kafka
7 min read
9. Does It Smell like Pollocks in Here?
7 min read
10. The Biggest Game in Town
19 min read

I have also done interviews with Christine M. Korsgaard, Lucia Coulter, Olle Häggström and Corentin Boissier and hope to do more in future, though I currently lack the time.

If you want to get in touch, write me at contact AT erichgrunewald DOT com.